Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Art in the Flesh

Sometimes I forget that I have an art background. (For the record, I have a Bachelor’s in printmaking and sculpture, and a Master’s in printmaking.) I remember having plans – making it big, doing great things, wowing the world. That was almost twenty years ago. Hmmmmmmm… somehow things didn’t quite turn out as I had imagined. I’ve come to accept that, well… stuff just gets in the way and life takes many twists and turns. For the past nine years I’ve worked at a place that I never dreamed of being – a church. I have many duties, but being an artist has never been one of them… until today.

This past week I was commissioned to do two pieces of artwork. This was pretty exciting! But actually, it wasn’t really a commission as much as it was a request by two little cutie-pies.

Miss A and Miss S stopped by the office late in the afternoon on their way to a swim meet. Dressed in bright blue bathing suits, flip-flops and huge grins, these young ladies were super-pumped for their upcoming event. Their mom happened to mention that I might be willing to draw the team mascot – a dolphin – somewhere on their person. It’s hard to say “No” to excited eight- and five-year-olds waving Sharpie pens, so I got down to business.

Now, I will admit that my drawing skills are pretty rusty. And, my imagination is a bit slow, so slow that I simply couldn’t picture in my mind the details of a dolphin – I had to Google an image. (How embarrassing not to know what Flipper looks like.)

“Are you looking up a dolphin so you know what it looks like?”

“Yes, It’s important to get it right.”

“I’ll help you.”

Let me just say that it’s a challenge to draw an image that you don’t have a good grasp of on wiggly little bodies. However, the girls were all smiles with the results. And you know what? It was delightful to make a little art that day.

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