H and I usually try to do something special on Saturdays just to mix things up from the week. Ideas are tossed out for discussion, and give and take is inevitable from each side. H gravitates towards anything to do with railroads, food, or airplanes. Needless to say, I’ve walked through many a railroad yard, model railroad show, local airfield and miscellaneous bakery. For me, it’s gardens – any kind of garden. Last weekend it was my turn to choose, and guess what was happening in our area – a Garden Tour of Master Gardeners’ homes! What luck!
It’s quite evident that H and I approach things from very different perspectives, and garden tours are no exception. I can’t imagine anyone not absorbing everything about a garden – the exquisite colors, the variety and the grace of a garden. And, while I know H is sensitive to the beauty of a garden, I am fully aware that his mind is thinking of other things. As I chatter along about this and that plant, he hears me and nods accordingly, but in reality, his brain is churning on a whole different thought path than mine. On more than one occasion he’s surprised me with his comments:
“Someone’s been busting their ass moving wood chips.”
“Look at this mechanical pool cover!”
“I’m the youngest guy at this garden show, and I’m sixty!”
And my personal favorite:
“She doesn’t have time to work; this is a full-time garden. Imagine if her garden has a fungus – that’s a $10,000 repair job!”
I look forward to the weekends; Saturdays are never dull.
(All images taken while on the 2010 Garden Tour presented
It’s quite evident that H and I approach things from very different perspectives, and garden tours are no exception. I can’t imagine anyone not absorbing everything about a garden – the exquisite colors, the variety and the grace of a garden. And, while I know H is sensitive to the beauty of a garden, I am fully aware that his mind is thinking of other things. As I chatter along about this and that plant, he hears me and nods accordingly, but in reality, his brain is churning on a whole different thought path than mine. On more than one occasion he’s surprised me with his comments:
“Someone’s been busting their ass moving wood chips.”
“Look at this mechanical pool cover!”
“I’m the youngest guy at this garden show, and I’m sixty!”
And my personal favorite:
“She doesn’t have time to work; this is a full-time garden. Imagine if her garden has a fungus – that’s a $10,000 repair job!”
I look forward to the weekends; Saturdays are never dull.
(All images taken while on the 2010 Garden Tour presented
by Master Gardener Volunteers of Cobb County)
I suppose it's a good thing we all have different perspectives- I mean, how dull would it be if you both oohed and awed over the same lovely plant. ...And, at least he recognizes the labor and ass busting needed to move those damn wood chips!!! After all, it does take a lifetime of sweat and toil to create and maintain a garden! Luv ya!